this book is well structured and the use of case scenarios, exercises and key points is helpful to encourage readers to reflect on current practice and to consider how they would implement the suggestions to improve outcomes for children and young people. There are references at the end of each chapter should the reader wish to explore
topics in greater depth. I would recommend this book to students and practitioners working in health, social care, education, the police service and the voluntary sector.
-- Child Abuse Review
Does this new volume assist with keeping children safe? The answer is yes, as it engages with territory often not covered by traditional textbooks... I would thoroughly recommend this book to practitioners, students, and trainers working with all children and their families. It is also a particularly helpful starting point for those who are now wary and anxious about fulfilling their safeguarding role and child protection responsibilities. -- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
This is an invaluable book for professionals at all levels. -- Nursing Standard
The book starts with a useful legislative update and considers the significance of the move away from using the term 'protection' (protecting children from maltreatment) to that of 'safeguarding' (ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care) Practical guidance is underpinned by research evidence and practice knowledge, including exercises and case scenarios. Contributors discuss dilemmas in safeguarding work with children and there are helpful lists of resources and websites. My overall impression is of a book containing high quality information that will be relevant to both frontline practioners and managers. -- Professional Social Work
This book considers how front-line professionals can keep the best interests of the child at the heart of their work amidst ever changing statutory guidance and service delivery. A must-read book for all front-line practitioners involved in safeguarding children, including social workers, child and adolescent mental health practitioners, police officers, healthcare professionals, probation workers and teachers. -- ChildRight
This is a good introductory text about child protection systems and practice. It provides a nice overview about various aspects of child protection and has clearly been written with practitioners' needs in mind. -- CAFCASS
Twelve contributors write with clarity and often passion to motivate and inspire as well as to inform. The text is very readable and includes highly salient topics, such as the "everyday" contribution that schools can make, the difficulties of safeguarding trafficked children, and good practice for supervision... I highly recommend this book. -- Counselling Children and Young People