The Roller Derby Athlete by Ellen Parnavelas
Roller derby is a unique, fast-paced, female-dominated sport that is taking the world by storm. It originated in the USA in the 1930s but it is the revival that began in 2001 that has inspired this new book. Roller derby has become one of the world's fastest-growing new sports and there are now more than 1000 leagues worldwide - in the USA, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Latin America and Asia - with new adherents coming to the sport all the time. As the popularity of roller derby has grown, the demand for information about the sport and how to play it has grown too. As leagues become more experienced, and players more advance, tactics and game play have grown in sophistication. There are many online forums and social networking sites devoted to training, tactics, fitness and nutrition, but up till now, no single source which gathered all the information together. This new book is the first to cover roller derby from a practical sports perspective and offer advice on tactics, fitness, training, injury-prevention and nutrition. Chapters include: An introduction to the game, its history and rules. How to play the game - strategy and tactics Fitness requirements - strength, endurance, and plyometric exercises for balance Training - practical training programmes both on and off skates Nutrition - what to eat before and after training, meal suggestions and supplements The female athlete - specific training advice for women Profiles of well-known roller derby players who share their top tips in all the above categories. The introduction has been written by Suzy Hotrod, one of roller derby's most renowned players and there is plentiful advice from many of the sports leading players.