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1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas Yaya Han

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas von Yaya Han

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas Yaya Han

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1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas provides a detailed glimpse into the ingenious artistry and attention to detail behind some of the most fabulous costumes you can find.

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas Zusammenfassung

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas: A Showcase of Creative Characters from Anime, Manga, Video Games, Movies, Comics, and More Yaya Han

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas provides a broad and detailed glimpse into the ingenious artistry and attention to detail behind some of the most fabulous costumes you can find. Featuring costumes from popular convention-goers to professional craftsman, this stunning, photo-filled book by Joey Marsocci and Allison DeBlasio of Dr. Grymm Laboratories walks you through scads of your favorite characters as imagined and created by fans.

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas Bewertungen

'highly recommended... full of high quality photos, great cosplays and some wonderful creations' MCM Buzz

Über Yaya Han

Yaya Han is a US-based costume designer and cosplayer with 13 years of experience, an artistic model, and a widely-recognized ambassador for cosplay. Her intricate and lavish creations have won awards and acclaim nationwide, and she has been invited to appear as a guest, panelist, judge, performer and host to over 100 conventions and other events all over the world. To find out more information about Yaya, see more photos, and find out where she'll be next, visit her on the web at www.yayahan.com Allison DeBlasio (Mrs. Grymm) and her husband Joey Marsocci (Dr. Grymm) own Dr. Grymm Laboratories, a custom prop fabrication and fine art business based in Connecticut. They plan an annual Steampunk art exhibit called the Steampunk Bizarre which was hosted at Mark Twain House and Museum in the winter of 2012. Their first book, 1,000 Steampunk Creations, has been featured in the New York Times, CBS Morning News, and an episode of Selling NY on HGTV. Dr. Grymm has also appeared on the PBS OffBook series and the BBC America World Wide news speaking about his Steampunk Artwork. They live in Middletown, CT and have two children who both love costumes and props already! Visit them online at http://www.drgrymmlaboratories.net.

Zusätzliche Informationen

1,000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas: A Showcase of Creative Characters from Anime, Manga, Video Games, Movies, Comics, and More Yaya Han
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