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Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Don Giovanni von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Don Giovanni is one of Mozart's most significant and popular operas. This title discusses the comic elements of this unusual comic opera by Michael F Robinson. It shows how Mozart maintained dramatic momentum over two long acts, giving an overview of the dramatic pacing and orchestration in some of the most important scenes.

Don Giovanni Zusammenfassung

Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Don Giovanni is one of Mozart's most significant and popular operas. This edition begins with a discussion of the comic elements of this unusual comic opera by Michael F. Robinson. An overall view of the score is given by David Wyn Jones, showing how Mozart maintained dramatic momentum over two long acts and giving an overview of the dramatic pacing and orchestration in some of the most important scenes. Christopher Raeburn concludes the commentary with an engaging portrait of Da Ponte, Mozart's 'libertine librettist', and his relationship with the composer. This edition contains more than twenty photographs covering performances of Don Giovanni to the present day, a detailed thematic analysis, the libretto in Italian with a facing literal translation, and an up-to-date discography and bibliography. Overture Opera Guides are an invaluable companion for lovers of opera and provide an insight for anyone wanting to explore opera in a little more detail.

Über Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was born in Salzburg, and began composing at the age of five. His subsequent prolific output, which included The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute, Idomeneo and his Requiem secured him a reputation as one of the world's foremost Classical composers.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Don Giovanni Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Alma Books Ltd
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