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Arnhem William F. Buckingham

Arnhem von William F. Buckingham

Arnhem William F. Buckingham

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New paperback edition - Explore this gripping day-by-day combat narrative of the infamous battle for a bridgehead over the Rhine. Combines analysis and new research by a leading authority on Operation MARKET GARDEN with the words of the men who were there.

Arnhem Zusammenfassung

Arnhem: The Complete Story of Operation Market Garden 17-25 September 1944 William F. Buckingham

On the afternoon of Sunday 17 September British tanks advanced into Holland in concert with 1,534 transport aircraft and 491 gliders. Their objective was a series of bridges across the Rhine, possession of which would allow the Allies to advance into Germany. In the event the operation was dogged by bad weather, flawed planning, tardiness and overconfidence, and ended with the Arnhem crossing still in German hands despite an epic nine-day battle that cost the British 1st Airborne Division over two-thirds of its men killed, wounded or captured. Here is what happened, hour by desperate hour.

Arnhem Bewertungen

'William Buckingham has written what may become the definitive account of the Battle of Arnhem ... arguments are presented in a forensic manner, reasonable judgements being set against fully referenced source material ... This is a book that pulls off that rare balancing act: it delivers serious' -- Military History Matters
'An absorbing account, with plenty of theories for readers to consider.' -- Wg Cdr J. M. Nichols

Über William F. Buckingham

William F. Buckingham is a leading expert on the First and Second World Wars. He has taught history at the University of Glasgow for over a decade and currently is tutor in the Widening Access Department. He lives near Glasgow. His most recent books are Verdun 1916, and Arnhem: The Complete Story.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Arnhem: The Complete Story of Operation Market Garden 17-25 September 1944 William F. Buckingham
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Amberley Publishing
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