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Madvillain's Madvillainy Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)

Madvillain's Madvillainy von Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)

Madvillain's Madvillainy Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager
Serien33 1/3

Madvillain's Madvillainy Zusammenfassung

Madvillain's Madvillainy Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)

This book celebrates Madvillainy as a representation of two genius musical minds melding to form one revered supervillain. A product of circumstance, the album came together soon after MF DOOM's resurgence and Madlib's reluctant return from avant-garde jazz to hip-hop. Written from the alternating perspectives of three fake music journalist superheroes-featuring interviews with Wildchild, M.E.D., Walasia, Daedelus, Stones Throw execs, and many other real individuals involved with the album's creation-this book blends fiction and non-fiction to celebrate Madvillainy not just as an album, but as a folkloric artifact. It is one specific retelling of a story which, like Madvillain's music, continues to spawn infinite legends.

Madvillain's Madvillainy Bewertungen

Hagle's Madvillainy is one of the best of the series because it jettisons the stale rules of music writing (no forced canonization needed here!) in favor of a narrative structure that echoes the album's aesthetics. * Southwest Review *

Über Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)

Will Hagle is a writer from Champaign who lives in Los Angeles.


1. The Daily Daily vs. Music Journalism 2. Preface 3. MF DOOM 4. Madlib 5. Like a Folklore Legend 6. Madvillain 7. The Next Decade(s) Acknowledgments Notes

Zusätzliche Informationen

Madvillain's Madvillainy Will Hagle (Freelance journalist, USA)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
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