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Correct Your French Blunders Veronique Mazet

Correct Your French Blunders von Veronique Mazet

Correct Your French Blunders Veronique Mazet

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Mixing genders, inverting subjects and objects, and trusting false cognates are just a few of the blunders English-speaking French-language learners commonly make. This title identifies these and other common trouble spots and explains the reasons behind them.

Correct Your French Blunders Zusammenfassung

Correct Your French Blunders Veronique Mazet

A witty, fast-paced guide to eliminating those annoying and frustrating French bloopers

Mixing genders, inverting subjects and objects, and trusting false cognates are just a few of the blunders English-speaking French-language learners commonly make. In Correct Your French Blunders, veteran French teacher Veronique Mazet identifies these and other common trouble spots and clearly explains the reasons behind them. You will discover how grammar patterns of French differ from those of English and why trying to translate word for word, structure for structure, from English, can lead to big trouble.

You will learn to break bad habits and correct your mistakes while developing a much more natural feel for French language patterns with the help of:

  • More than 1,000 highlighted examples of common blunders to avoid
  • A free app available on iTunes for interactive practice for obliterating those blunders
  • Numerous examples and practical exercises
  • Quick-reference panels for checking correct tense forms
  • A Hall of Shame compendium of bad errors to recognize and correct

Über Veronique Mazet

McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide


NounsDescriptive AdjectivesDeterminersNumbersSubjects, Objects,and Their PronounsVerbs Types of Verbs The Infinitive The Conjugated Form The Indicative The Present Tense The passe compose The imparfait, The passe compose versus the imparfait, The Pluperfect The Future The Future Perfect The Conditional The Present Conditional The Past Conditional The Subjunctive The Subjunctive Mood The Present Subjunctive The past Subjunctive Reported Speech Questions and AnswersVOCABULARY Words Prepositions ConstructionsCatch the BlundersAnswer KeyIndex of French Words and ExpressionsSubject Index

Zusätzliche Informationen

Correct Your French Blunders Veronique Mazet
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
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