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Little First Stickers Eid Usborne

Little First Stickers Eid von Usborne

Little First Stickers Eid Usborne

Zustand - Sehr Gut
6 auf Lager

Little First Stickers Eid Zusammenfassung

Little First Stickers Eid Usborne

Ali and Ayeesha are excited. It is Ramadan, and that means it will soon be time for the whole family to come together and celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Join them as they prepare for the festival. Add over 200 stickers to bring the beautifully illustrated scenes to life.

Über Usborne

Kristie Pickersgill was born and raised in Yorkshire, where she developed a love of animals, nature and the great outdoors. After studying Chemistry at the University of York, she worked as a school lab technician before making the leap into educational publishing.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Little First Stickers Eid Usborne
Gebraucht - Sehr Gut
Usborne Publishing Ltd
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