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Governance and Politics of China Tony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA)

Governance and Politics of China von Tony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA)


This text by an academic authority, who has also lived and worked in China, provides a thorough introduction to all aspects of politics and governance in post Mao China.

Governance and Politics of China Zusammenfassung

Governance and Politics of China Tony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA)

Since the 1980s, change in China has been breathtaking. Reform has affected every facet of life and has left no policy and institution untouched. Now available in a substantially revised second edition covering the changes of the Sixteenth Party Congress and Tenth National People's Congress and other recent developments, this text by a leading academic authority, who has also lived and worked in China, provides a thorough introduction to all aspects of politics and governance in post Mao China.

Governance and Politics of China Bewertungen

"Delving deep beneath the institutional fabliogade of China's formal political structures and processes, Tony Saich describes how China is actually governed on the ground. Combining scholarly analysis with personal insights he has produced a lively, readable study of China's profound - and profoundly painful - transition from Mao to Market. Its title alone suggests that this is a textbook of a different stripe."--Richard Baum, University of California, Los Angeles
"[An] excellent introductory text.... insightful, readable, and well-crafted. In style and in substance this is a landmark book that ought to be considered by every teacher looking for an informative and lively way to introduce... Chinese politics."--Roy F. Grow, "The Journal of Asian Studies
"Tony Saich has given us a very useful and accessible textbook.... [which] compares favorably with the available alternatives.... but he has also given us quite a bit more. One comes away impressed by the detail and sophistication of the work."--Stanley Rosen, "The China Journal

"Delving deep beneath the institutional fabliogcade of China's formal political structures and processes, Tony Saich describes how China is actually governed on the ground. Combining scholarly analysis with personal insights he has produced a lively, readable study of China's profound - and profoundly painful - transition from Mao to Market. Its title alone suggests that this is a textbook of a different stripe."--Richard Baum, University of California, Los Angeles
"[An] excellent introductory text.... insightful, readable, and well-crafted. In style and in substance this is a landmark book that ought to be considered by every teacher looking for an informative and lively way to introduce... Chinese politics."--Roy F. Grow, "The Journal of Asian Studies"
"Tony Saich has given us a very useful and accessible textbook.... [which] compares favorably with the available alternatives.... but he has also given us quite a bit more. One comes away impressed by the detail and sophistication of the work."--Stanley Rosen, "The China Journal"

"Delving deep beneath the institutional fabliogcade of China's formal political structures and processes, Tony Saich describes how China is actually governed on the ground. Combining scholarly analysis with personal insights he has produced a lively, readable study of China's profound - and profoundly painful - transition from Mao to Market. Its title alone suggests that this is a textbook of a different stripe."--Richard Baum, University of California, Los Angeles
"[An] excellent introductory text.... insightful, readable, and well-crafted. In style and in substance this is a landmark book that ought to be considered by every teacher looking for an informative and lively way to introduce... Chinese politics."--Roy F. Grow, "The Journal of Asian Studies"
"Tony Saich has given us a very useful and accessible textbook.... [which] compares favorably with the available alternatives.... but he has also given us quite a bit more. One comes away impressed by the detail and soph


China's changing road to development - political history 1949-78; China under reform, 1978-2003; the Chinese Communist Party; the central governing apparatus; governance beyond the center; political participation and protest; the Chinese state and society; economic policy; social policy; foreign policy; challenges in the 21st century.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Governance and Politics of China Tony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Palgrave USA
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