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It's a Conspiracy! Tom Cutler

It's a Conspiracy! von Tom Cutler

It's a Conspiracy! Tom Cutler

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* Did NASA fake the moon landings? * Did aliens build the pyramids? * Is Finland really there?

It's a Conspiracy! Zusammenfassung

It's a Conspiracy!: The World's Wildest Conspiracy Theories. What They Don't Want You To Know. And Why The Truth Is Out There. Tom Cutler

* Did NASA fake the moon landings? * Did aliens build the pyramids? * Is Finland really there?

Dive down the conspiracy-theory rabbit hole with bestselling author and conspiracy buff Tom Cutler. Mingle with the millions who do not trust the official version and find out what THEY - the global elites - don't want you to know.

This compelling collection of the world's wildest conspiracy theories is packed with startling stories, curious characters and freakish facts - covering everything from Princess Diana to weather control, from the cloning of Paul McCartney to 9/11, from Lizard Men to JFK.

It's a Conspiracy! will make you think again about everything you thought you knew.

Über Tom Cutler

Tom Cutler is a bestselling author of humorous entertainment and gift books, including 211 Things a Bright Boy Can Do (HarperCollins) and A Gentlenman's Bedside Book. Tom is a conspiracy theory buff, and a long-standing Sherlock Holmes aficionado.

His latest book, It's a Conspiracy!, an entertaining review of the world's wildest conspiracy theories, is out now.

Zusätzliche Informationen

It's a Conspiracy!: The World's Wildest Conspiracy Theories. What They Don't Want You To Know. And Why The Truth Is Out There. Tom Cutler
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HarperCollins Publishers
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