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Paper Tigers Toby Howden

Paper Tigers von Toby Howden

Paper Tigers Toby Howden

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For any aspiring martial artist having a real-life, hard-drinking, version of Mr Miyagi turn up on your doorstep offering to teach the secrets of the Samurai would be a dream come true.

Paper Tigers Zusammenfassung

Paper Tigers: Martial arts and misadventure in Japan Toby Howden

For any aspiring martial artist having a real-life, hard-drinking, version of Mr Miyagi turn up on your doorstep offering to teach the secrets of the Samurai would be a dream come true.

When Toby's best friend Bryan returns from travelling in Japan, along with the enigmatic kendo master Suzuki-sensei, he jumps at the chance to move to the foothills of Mount Fuji to study the traditional art of Japanese sword fighting. But from the very beginning, life as a modern-day Samurai - particularly one required to work in a stifling paper factory - proves even more challenging than becoming the real 'Karate Kid'.

Despite a toe-curling disregard for the rules and Japanese social etiquette, they are drawn kicking, screaming, and laughing into the fascinating no-nonsense world of Bushido - The Way of the Warrior.

Über Toby Howden

Toby Howden grew up in Totnes in Devon and has been practicing traditional martial arts since he was young. He spent several years working and studying in both Japan and China and holds a BA in Chinese and Religious Studies. He currently lives in Bath with his partner and three children. Instead of teaching self-defence to Special Forces and Intelligence Agencies, he works in a school. Paper Tigers is his first book.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Paper Tigers: Martial arts and misadventure in Japan Toby Howden
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