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The Wild Card Teresa Crane

The Wild Card von Teresa Crane

The Wild Card Teresa Crane

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An exciting and gripping tale about the emotional entanglements of two families.

The Wild Card Zusammenfassung

The Wild Card Teresa Crane

Beginning in the year 1929, this is the intensely gripping story of the relationships that develop between two families. Liam, a surly young man who is 'the wild card' of the novel, becomes entangled with Christine and with the British activities of the IRA. Ned, Christine's younger brother, an insecure and frail character, allows himself to be carried along in their savage and uncontrollable relationship, until the spotlight is turned on him and his affections for Liam. Meanwhile, at the height of WWII, Emma, Christine's younger sister, has fallen in love with Alex whom she marries but their happiness is marred when Alex's brother, Tom, is killed in battle leaving his family, but particularly his sister, Josie, distraught. Things turn sour when Ned's feelings are exposed after a vehement quarrel. The resulting estrangement from his sister and Liam and Ned's insecurity leaves him desperate for a revenge that ultimately causes the devastation of not just his family but also Liam's...

Über Teresa Crane

Teresa Crane is the author of fifteen novels and was shortlisted for the Romantic Novel of the Year award for TOMORROW, JERUSALEM.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Wild Card Teresa Crane
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown Book Group
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