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The Telegraph Brain Training

The Telegraph Brain Training

The Telegraph Brain Training

4,69 €
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Brain teasers from the Telegraph for exercising the brain

The Telegraph Brain Training Zusammenfassung

Designed to give you daily puzzling to exercise key area of your cognitive ability, these are 100 workouts taken from the paper that would give a total mental workout. The importance of giving your mind a workout is well known and this book is designed to give the puzzler a holistic mental workout challenging their:

* Memory
* Conceptual reasoning
* Numerical and mathematical ability
* Vocabulary
* Visualisation
* General reasoning

Serving as both a fun puzzle compilation and a complete mind gym, Brain Training Puzzles will be a great addition to any puzzle collection.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Telegraph Brain Training: Keep your mind fit and sharp
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Octopus Publishing Group
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