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The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Sylvain Runberg

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium von Sylvain Runberg

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Sylvain Runberg

Zustand - Wie Neu
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The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Zusammenfassung

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Sylvain Runberg

Mikael Blomkvist, crusading journalist and publisher of the magazine Millennium, has decided to run a story that will expose an extensive sex trafficking operation between Eastern Europe and Sweden, implicating well-known and highly placed members of Swedish society, business, and government. But he has no idea just how explosive the story will be until, on the eve of publication, the two investigating reporters are murdered. And even more shocking for Blomkvist: the fingerprints found on the murder weapon belong to Lisbeth Salander-the troubled, wise-beyond-her-years genius hacker who came to his aid in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and who now becomes the focus and fierce heart of The Girl Who Played with Fire. As Blomkvist, alone in his belief in Salander's innocence, plunges into an investigation of the slayings, Salander herself is drawn into a murderous hunt in which she is the prey, and which compels her to revisit her dark past in an effort to settle with it once and for all.

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Bewertungen

"A compelling, edge-of-your-seat mystery in words and art, and fans of the original Stieg Larsson book will uncover new meaning in his words and worlds." - Multiversity Comics

"Delivering whip smart dialogue and well-paced action." - Flickering Myth

"Worthy of the Hard Case Crime logo. The messages of the story come across loud and clear." - Comic Bastards

Über Sylvain Runberg

Sylvain Runberg is a Belgian screenwriter and novelist who, divides his time between Stockholm, Provence and Paris. He has had more than 50 books published by the largest French publishers (Glenat, Le Lombard, Dupuis, Dargaud, Casterman, Soleil, Futuropolis etc, ...) and is now translated into 15 languages, having sold in total over 1 million copies worldwide. Jose Homs is a Spanish comic artist who has worked for US companies like Marvel, but also for European publishers like Dupuis. For the US, he has worked with writer Christopher Hinz on series such as Blade. He has also drawn for western collections ('Marvel Westerns') and on the Red Sonja series with Frank Cho and Doug Murray as writers in 2007-2008. Homs' work has also appeared in magazine Heavy Metal, and in the Spanish anthologies 'Barcelona TM' and 'Revolution Complex'.Manolo Carot is a Spanish comic artist who works under the pen name Man. Born in Mollet les Valles near Barcelona, he began his career in 1998 making illustrations for RPG's like 'Aquelarre' and 'Superheroes Inc', as well as Lider magazine of the publishing house La Caja de Pandora (1999-2001). He published his first comic stories for the erotic magazine Kiss Comix of Ediciones La Cupula.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Girl Who Played With Fire - Millennium Sylvain Runberg
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Titan Books Ltd
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