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Chronic Disease Nursing Susan Oliver

Chronic Disease Nursing von Susan Oliver

Chronic Disease Nursing Susan Oliver

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Individuals with chronic diseases have to cope with various challenges to their physical and psychological well being as part of their daily lives. In the field of chronic disease management nurses have an integral role in supporting the needs of the patient and identifying the optimum in high quality care.

Chronic Disease Nursing Zusammenfassung

Chronic Disease Nursing: A Rheumatology Example Susan Oliver

Individuals with chronic diseases have to cope with various challenges to their physical and psychological well being as part of their daily lives. In the field of chronic disease management nurses have an integral role in supporting the needs of the patient and identifying the optimum in high quality care. Dealing with the increasing needs of the growing chronic disease and elderly populations presents difficult challenges. Resources need to be used effectively.

Chronic Disease Nursing offers support to all nurses but particularly primary and secondary care advanced practitioners wishing to develop an effective system of care for those with a long term medical condition. There is guidance on the practical aspects of setting up a telephone helpline service, identifying the ethical and professional aspects of developing a nurse led clinic, selecting appropriate outcome measures for clinic setting, and suitable biologic therapies used in chronic disease areas and working across professional organisations. This book provides a framework for the development of a chronic disease nursing service, using rheumatology as an example.

Chronic Disease Nursing Bewertungen

... a valuable contribution.... (Muscoloskeletal Care, October 2006)

Über Susan Oliver

Susan Oliver is the author of Chronic Disease Nursing: A Rheumatology Example, published by Wiley.


An Overview of Developing a Chronic Disease Nursing Service.


Developing a Freamwork for Practice.

Telephone Helplines.

Nurse clinics.

Not Just Assessing Patient's Joints.

Using The Right tools for The Job.

Drug Monitoring, Primary or Secondary Care?

The Immune system and new Treatments.

Biologic Therapies.

Practical Aspects of Care.

Joint injections.

Leadership and Clinical Governance.

The Patient's Perspective.

Working With Organizations.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Chronic Disease Nursing: A Rheumatology Example Susan Oliver
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
John Wiley & Sons Inc
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