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Pre-Raphaelite Cats Susan Herbert

Pre-Raphaelite Cats von Susan Herbert

Pre-Raphaelite Cats Susan Herbert

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Herbert's feline versions of famous pre-Raphaelite paintings, including those by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones and William Holman Hunt. Illustrations are in colour and featuring black and white reproductions of all the original paintings which provided the inspiration for the author.

Pre-Raphaelite Cats Zusammenfassung

Pre-Raphaelite Cats Susan Herbert

A collection of Susan Herbert's feline versions of famous Pre-Raphaelite paintings. Paintings by artists such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones and William Holman Hunt can be viewed in a new way when their protagonists are cats. The Beggar Maid, more beautiful than day in Tennyson's poem, takes on a particularly touching relationship with King Cophetua, while Medea gives new meaning to the word enchantress as she prepares the ingredients for a spell. And were ever two creatures so frightened and abandoned as the two cat princes wickedly imprisoned in the Tower? A special feature of this book is its inclusion of small black-and-white reproductions of all the original paintings which have inspired Susan Herbert.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Pre-Raphaelite Cats Susan Herbert
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Thames & Hudson Ltd
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