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Culloden: 1746 Stuart Reid

Culloden: 1746 von Stuart Reid

Culloden: 1746 Stuart Reid

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Culloden Moor is the last and one of the most famous battles in British history. In this concise account Stuart Reid, the leading authority on Culloden, sets out in a graphic and easily understood way the movements and deployments of the opposing armies and describes in detail the close and deadly combat that followed.

Culloden: 1746 Zusammenfassung

Culloden: 1746 Stuart Reid

Culloden Moor is the last and one of the most famous battles in British history. On 16 April 1746 the Duke of Cumberland's government army defeated the Jacobite rebels led by Prince Charles Edward Stuart. In this concise account Stuart Reid, the leading authority on Culloden, sets out in a graphic and easily understood way the movements and deployments of the opposing armies and describes in detail the close and deadly combat that followed. His account incorporates the results of the latest documentary and archaeological research and he provides a full tour of the battlefield so that visitors can explore for themselves the historic ground on which this momentous event took place.

Über Stuart Reid

Stuart Reid is a prolific and well-known writer on a wide range of military subjects, and he is an expert on the military history of Scotland. His pioneering study Like Hungry Wolves (1994) remains unchallenged as the best narrative account of Culloden.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Culloden: 1746 Stuart Reid
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
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