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Deadpool: Paws Stefan Petrucha

Deadpool: Paws von Stefan Petrucha

Deadpool: Paws Stefan Petrucha

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Fourth title in Titan Books' Marvel fiction reissue program, featuring the classic Deadpool story: Paws

Deadpool: Paws Zusammenfassung

Deadpool: Paws Stefan Petrucha

MARVEL'S HYPERACTIVE ASSASSIN IN HIS FIRST FULL-LENGTH NOVEL! HIS TARGET: PUPPIES THAT BECOME GIANT MONSTERS. WAIT. PUPPIES? IS THAT RIGHT? CAN WE DO THAT? Marvel's popular Merc with a Mouth stars in an original novel of the Marvel Universe! Blending gritty action with hard-hitting humor, this witty tome is guaranteed to ARRGGH GLAK MMMPPH * ...Sorry Marvel, somethin' happened to your copy guy. This is Deadpool speaking! Like he said, this is my first prose novel, and they got this dude Stefan Petrucha to write it. He's good people-he's written novels (Ripper, Dead Mann Walking) and lotsa comics (X-Files, Nancy Drew, Power Rangers). But here's the problem: This book is about puppies. Puppies that turn into big nasty monsters. And then I gotta kill 'em. Thing is, I like killing people-the ones that deserve it, anyway-but even I won't kill puppies. No way. So that's what we call a character dilemma... DEADPOOL, COME HOME!

Deadpool: Paws Bewertungen

"as compelling as any comic book story in the Marvel catalog. It's as true to the character as anything you've seen before." - Borg.com

Über Stefan Petrucha

Stefan Petrucha has written over 20 novels and hundreds of graphic novels for adults, young adults and tweens. His work has sold over a million copies worldwide. He also teaches online classes through the University of Massachusetts. Born in the Bronx, he spent his formative years moving between the big city and the suburbs, both of which made him prefer escapism. A fan of comic books, science fiction and horror since learning to read, in high school and college he added a love for all sorts of literary work, eventually learning that the very best fiction always brings you back to reality - so, really, there's no way out.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Deadpool: Paws Stefan Petrucha
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Titan Books Ltd
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