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Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal Sophia James

Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal von Sophia James

Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal Sophia James

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Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal Zusammenfassung

Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal: Scars of Betrayal (Men of Danger) / A Secret Consequence for the Viscount Sophia James

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Cassandra Northrup had believed Nathaniel dead...until now. Once, she had loved him and given herself to him. But then she had betrayed him.... Relief at the sight of Nathaniel turns to darkest shame as Cassie sees the hate in his eyes. Yet passion can be born out of betrayal-and as desire crackles between them once more, will Cassie reveal the secret she's long kept hidden?
Like all of London society, Lady Eleanor believed Viscount Bromley dead. Now, after six years, Nicholas has returned. But he has no memory of their one night of incredible passion-so how can Eleanor tell him he fathered a child? Nicholas starts to regain his lost memories, but with the danger from his past threatening to rear its head, it's up to Nicholas to protect his newly discovered family!

Über Sophia James

Georgette Heyer novels formed Sophia James's reading tastes as a teenager. But her writing life only started when she was given a pile of Mills & Boons to read after she had had her wisdom teeth extracted! Filled with strong painkillers she imagined that she could pen one, too. Many drafts later Sophia thinks she has the perfect job writing for Harlequin Historical as well as taking art tours to Europe with her husband, who is a painter.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Regency Reputations: Secrets And Betrayal: Scars of Betrayal (Men of Danger) / A Secret Consequence for the Viscount Sophia James
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HarperCollins Publishers
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