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SRA Standards and Regulations Solicitors Regulation ity

SRA Standards and Regulations von Solicitors Regulation ity

SRA Standards and Regulations Solicitors Regulation ity

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The significant changes in this new edition include the division of the single Code of Conduct in to one for individuals and one for entities and the removal of restrictions on where solicitors can practise. This text is essential for solicitors to ensure that they are complying with the rules set down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

SRA Standards and Regulations Zusammenfassung

SRA Standards and Regulations: November 2019 edition: 2019 Solicitors Regulation ity

The new SRA Standards and Regulations sets out the requirements that solicitors are expected to adhere to when practising, working with clients and in the public interest. The significant changes in this new edition include the division of the single Code of Conduct in to one for individuals and one for entities and the removal of restrictions on where solicitors can practise. This text is essential reading for all solicitors to ensure that they are complying with the rules set down by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA Standards and Regulations contains: SRA Principles SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, Registered European Lawyers (RELs) and Registered Foreign Lawyers (RFLs) SRA Code of Conduct for Firms SRA Accounts Rules SRA Application, Notice, Review and Appeal Rules SRA Assessment of Character and Suitability Rules SRA Authorisation of Firms Rules SRA Authorisation of Individuals (Amendment) Regulations SRA Education, Training and Assessment Provider Regulations SRA Financial Services (Conduct of Business) Rules SRA Financial Services (Scope) Rules SRA Overseas and Cross-Border Practice Rules SRA Regulatory and Disciplinary Practice Rules SRA Statutory Trust Rules SRA Roll, Registers and Publication Regulations SRA Transparency Rules SRA Compensation Fund Rules SRA Indemnity Insurance Rules SRA Glossary SRA Glossary for SRA Compensation Fund Rules and SRA Indemnity Insurance Rules (including the MTC).

Zusätzliche Informationen

SRA Standards and Regulations: November 2019 edition: 2019 Solicitors Regulation ity
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The Law Society
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