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Kaye Donachie Simon Martin

Kaye Donachie von Simon Martin

Kaye Donachie Simon Martin

Zustand - Wie Neu
Nicht auf Lager

Kaye Donachie Zusammenfassung

Kaye Donachie: Song for the Last Act Simon Martin

Contemporary British artist Kaye Donachie (b.1970) is best known for her figurative, dream-like portraits of women. Her portraits are not direct representations of her subjects but are abstract narratives, informed by art and literature by twentieth century women. Often these women have been historically marginalized and include radical writers, activists, poets, and artists. Donachie describes their biographies as sparse, but that affords a space in which to interpret narratives in my painting and representation. This monograph will bring together a selection of the artist's muted, figurative paintings, exploring the complexities of the muse and female agency in art and literature. It includes an introduction by Simon Martin based on interviews with the artist exploring her engagement with modern art and literature, together with short texts by the artist herself.

Exhibition Schedule:

Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

(April 22-October 8, 2023)

Über Simon Martin

Simon Martin is a curator and writer and director of Pallant House Gallery, Chichester. Kaye Donachie is a contemporary British painter based in London.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Kaye Donachie: Song for the Last Act Simon Martin
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Pallant House Gallery Trust
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