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50 Ways to Greener Travel Sian Berry

50 Ways to Greener Travel von Sian Berry

50 Ways to Greener Travel Sian Berry

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Shows you how to make small and big changes in a positive and practical manner. Accompanied by full-colour illustrations and photographs, this book gives you 50 ideas to make your house (and garden) greener, save water and energy and be a greener shopper and traveler.

50 Ways to Greener Travel Zusammenfassung

50 Ways to Greener Travel Sian Berry

Climate change is at the top of many people's concerns, but it's not always clear what the solutions are. We are ready and willing to make changes to our lifestyles, but often get confusing advice about which are the best ones to make. Do we all have to put on hair shirts, or is it possible to live a comfortable, enjoyable greener life? These books will show you how to make small and big changes in a positive and practical manner. Accompanied by full-colour illustrations and photographs, each book will give you 50 of the best ideas to make your house (and garden) greener, save water and energy and be a greener shopper and traveller, without asking you to turn your whole life upside down or turning you into a bore.

Über Sian Berry

Dubbed 'Environmental Viagra' by the Independent, Sian Berry is the 32-year-old female spokesperson for the Green Party and the founder of the campaign group 'Alliance Against Urban 4x4s'. Sian writes a blog for the New Statesman and appears regularly on national news programmes including Today and The Politics Show.

Zusätzliche Informationen

50 Ways to Greener Travel Sian Berry
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Octopus Publishing Group
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