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The Akashic Records Sandra Anne Taylor

The Akashic Records von Sandra Anne Taylor

The Akashic Records Sandra Anne Taylor

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The Akashic Records are a powerful source of information, change and manifestation. This introductory guide shows how they can open your life to profound healing, happiness and true fulfilment. It also reveals what the Akashic Records really are and how to tap into their ever-present power.

The Akashic Records Zusammenfassung

The Akashic Records: Unlock the Infinite Power, Wisdom and Energy of the Universe Sandra Anne Taylor

An introductory guide to the fascinating Akashic Records and how to use this powerful source of information for change, manifestation, healing and fulfilment.

This book will reveal:

- what the Akashic Records really are and how to tap into their ever-present power
- how to travel the eternal timeline to investigate the past, present and potential future
- how past lives are influencing you today and what you can do to rewrite those records
- how you can use the Akashic Records to find your purpose, expand your talents and find greater success and joy in this life
- how to programme future events within the records of this life and in lifetimes to come
- techniques to open the records anytime you desire

... and much more!

The Hay House Basics series features world-class experts sharing their knowledge on the topics that matter most for improving your life.

Über Sandra Anne Taylor

Sandra Anne Taylor is an international speaker, counsellor, consultant and New York Times bestselling author on the life-changing powers of personal energy and consciousness creation. She has been teaching the principles of energy and manifestation for 25 years, and her books are available in 28 languages across the globe. www.sandrataylor.net

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Akashic Records: Unlock the Infinite Power, Wisdom and Energy of the Universe Sandra Anne Taylor
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Hay House UK Ltd
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