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Vitamin Ph Rodrigo Alonso

Vitamin Ph von Rodrigo Alonso

Vitamin Ph Rodrigo Alonso

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The definitive book on contemporary photography, featuring 121 international artists.

Vitamin Ph Zusammenfassung

Vitamin Ph: New Perspectives in Photography Rodrigo Alonso

Photography continues to be a central part of international artistic practice. Over the past ten years it has experienced radical changes, in part due to the rise of digital technologies. Photography is now often engaged in by artists who are not just printing in a darkroom, but using the medium as a single aspect of a larger ouvre, as one of several media under exploration.Vitamin Ph focuses on diverse global developments in 'art' photography through the work of 121 contemporary artists, who were nominated by 78 international critics, curators and artists. These selections will be accompanied by a 5000 word introductory text by TJ Demos, aiming to explore ideas relevant to contemporary photography with reference to the works included in the book. In addition, the work of each photographer/artist will be introduced by a short commissioned text of approximately 500 words. Similar in concept, scope and structure to Vitamin P and Vitamin D, Vitamin Ph presents, in A to Z order, artists who have emerged, or in some instances re-emerged, in the last five years using the medium of photography.

Vitamin Ph Bewertungen

Demos is absolutely right in the most crucial respects - contemporary photography oscillates between the conceptual and the committed... Vitamin Ph is a lavish and useful guide.-ArtReview

[A] savvy, eccentric, and pointedly provocative book... Vitamin Ph catches a medium on the fly and in flux. It's a snapshot of a subject that's far too restless to stay put.-Photoworks

The book exhibits an impressive breadth.-Artweek

This remarkable survey of 121 photographers from over 30 countries demonstrates that contemporary photographers are exploring and resetting the bounds of the medium. It is truly exciting to see in one place so much creative punch, which is made more so by the thoughtful and specialist-penned essays on each artist packed with critical thought, historical comments, and theory.-Library Journal

A lavishly illustrated guide...-Miami Herald

Essential for the tirelessly au courant.-Photograph

Like Phaidon's excellent volumes on painting (Vitamin P) and drawing (Vitamin D), this is a comprehensive effort, representing artists from all fields (documentary, portraits, video, etc.) and 30 countries... The scale of the project and the talent of those chosen is undeniable.-The New York Post

Über Rodrigo Alonso

TJ Demos is Lecturer in the Department of History of Art, University College London. He writes widely on modern and contemporary art, and his book entitled The Exiles of Marcel Duchamp is forthcoming from MIT Press. A member of Art Journal'seditorial board, his articles have appeared in publications such as Artforum, Flash Art, Grey Room and October. He is currently working on a book on contemporary art and globalization.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Vitamin Ph: New Perspectives in Photography Rodrigo Alonso
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Phaidon Press Ltd
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