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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible Robert J. Hutchinson

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible von Robert J. Hutchinson

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible Robert J. Hutchinson

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible Zusammenfassung

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible Robert J. Hutchinson

In the beginning, the Bible triggered a revolution in human thought and later established Western civilization's moral and philosophical foundation. Many people though--from authors to pundits--mock it for their own purposes and political agendas. However, the Bible remains the bestselling book of all time, believed by nearly two billion people (Christians and Jews) to be divinely inspired. In his hard-hitting new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to The Bible, author Robert J. Hutchinson details the facts behind the numerous truths the anti-religious secularists don't want you to know about, including:
*Recent archaeological discoveries confirm the historical accuracy of many Bible stories
*The Bible made modern science possible (which is why it started in the Middle Ages)
*Biblical laws paved the way for democracy and limited government
*The Bible promotes human freedom
*The enemies of the Bible are enemies of true reason and tolerance

In this new installment in the bestselling P.I.G. series, Hutchinson silences the secularists and atheists with historical evidence, undeniable facts, and insightful revelations--proving why the Bible is still the bestselling book of all time--and so much more.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible Robert J. Hutchinson
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Regnery Publishing Inc
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