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Crisis Management for Executives Robert. Heath

Crisis Management for Executives von Robert. Heath

Crisis Management for Executives Robert. Heath

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This handbook provides solid practical tactics for reacting to, responding to and recovering from any management crisis.

Crisis Management for Executives Zusammenfassung

Crisis Management for Executives: The definitive handbook to corporate rescue in crisis situations Robert. Heath

Crises are a part of everyone's life, some are uncontrollable, but many are not only controllable but avoidable. Crisis Management For Executives doesn't just reiterate what has happened before, or overload you masses of research to wade through; it gives you solid practical tactics for reacting, responding and recovering from any crisis that may come your way. It also tells you how to minimise your risks of finding your business in a crisis situation in the first place. Author : Dr Robert Heath is Managing Director of Crisis Corp Ltd. He has lectured all over the world and is currently a member of the International Executive Committee of the Local Authorities Confronting Disaster and Emergencies (LACDE) and Chairman of the LACDE Scientific Committee.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Crisis Management for Executives: The definitive handbook to corporate rescue in crisis situations Robert. Heath
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Pearson Education Limited
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