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Grocery List Poems Rhiannon McGavin

Grocery List Poems von Rhiannon McGavin

Grocery List Poems Rhiannon McGavin

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Grocery List Poems Zusammenfassung

Grocery List Poems Rhiannon McGavin


The second full-length title to award-winning poet and former Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles Rhiannon McGavin.

If the word stanza means room, then this book is an orchard. Former Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles, Rhiannon McGavin crafts poems with scraps of the everyday, from dream diaries to postcards. She integrates the facts of daily life into lyric verse, switching out traditional forms easily as trying on new sweaters. Led by emotions real as the mosaic air between screen and projector, McGavin explores what it means to become your own calendar.

Grocery List Poems Bewertungen

Rhiannon McGavin guides us on an emotionally rigorous excursion into the reflexive nature of language, powered by the voice of a seductress, taunting the senses with spell-binding imagery, at once engaging and mesmerizing. -James Ragan, poet and author of The Hunger Wall and Too Long a Solitude. Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern California

Über Rhiannon McGavin

Rhiannon McGavin has failed the CA driver's license test three times so far. She has performed from the Hollywood Bowl to the Library of Congress, as well as on NPR. Her work has been published by Tia Chucha Press, Teen Vogue, and C Magazine. As a YoungArts Finalist in Spoken Word, she was nominated for the Presidential Scholar of the Arts. Rhiannon was the Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles in 2016, and currently studies literature at UCLA.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Grocery List Poems Rhiannon McGavin
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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