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9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away Rashid A. Buttar

9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away von Rashid A. Buttar

9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away Rashid A. Buttar

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Presents a plan for achieving health and wellness. This title features the strategies which encompass various aspects of health - including the importance of laughter and meditation to our bodies. It also helps to counter our commonly held beliefs about health. It also presents the steps to promote overall health.

9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away Zusammenfassung

9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away Rashid A. Buttar

Drawing from 25 years of experience in alternative therapies, Dr Rashid Buttar presents his proven plan for achieving health and wellness. Features: A new approach to good health based on breakthrough medical advances. The strategies Dr Buttar presents encompass all aspects of health -- including the importance of laughter and meditation to our bodies. The steps also counter many of our commonly held beliefs about health, and will revolutionise readers' understandings of how their bodies work; Steps to promote overall health -- whether the reader is suffering from a serious condition or not. Dr Rashid Buttar's medical philosophy has helped many patients considered to be treatment failures drastically improve their conditions, and many stories of their remarkable recoveries are featured in this book; Written by an expert in alternative medicine with a powerful marketing machine and a high-profile clientele. Dr Buttar has lectured world-wide to physicians and been featured on national and international news media. His Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research specialises in treating patients suffering from chronic and untreatable diseases.

Über Rashid A. Buttar

Dr Rashid Buttar is a graduate of the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Surgery. He served as brigade surgeon and director of emergency medicine while serving in the U.S. Army. Dr Buttar is board certified in Clinical Metal Toxicology, Preventive Medicine, and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical societies.

Zusätzliche Informationen

9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away Rashid A. Buttar
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
GMEC Publishing
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