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Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas Rachel Lee

Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas von Rachel Lee

Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas Rachel Lee

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Conard County: Killer in the Storm
By Rachel Lee

She's being followed...

Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas Zusammenfassung

Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas: Conard County: Killer in the Storm (Conard County: The Next Generation) / Murder in Texas (The Cowboys of Cider Creek) (Mills & Boon Heroes) Rachel Lee

Conard County: Killer in the Storm
By Rachel Lee

She's being followed...

A blizzard leaves Deputy Artie Jackson no choice but to take Boyd Connor into her home. Maybe getting this stoic combat veteran to talk about his demons will distract her from her own. Their halting trust in each other takes on a new urgency when Artie starts getting threats against her life. As they search for her stalkers, will they find their way to each other?

Murder in Texas
By Barb Han

The last woman he wants...

On leave from the military, Dillen Bullard confronts his estranged father's death-and is sure it was no accident. Unfortunately, a woman from his past, the very rich Liz Hayes, compounds the mystery. Though he once thoroughly disliked the 'princess', now he'll investigate with her despite her crucial memory loss. Before long, he's saving her life. And risking his heart...

Über Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee was hooked on writing by the age of twelve and has lived all over the United States. This New York Times bestselling author now resides in Florida and writes full-time. Research is one of her favorite things. Rachel loves her pets nearly as much as her four children. She has had both dogs and cats and is currently enjoying the antics of Jazz, her bloodhound. She also calls him her Gentle Giant. USA TODAY Bestselling Author Barb Han lives in Texas with her adventurous family and beloved dogs. Reviewers have called her books heartfelt and exciting. When not writing or reading, she can be found exploring Manhattan, on a mountain, or swimming in her backyard.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Conard County: Killer In The Storm / Murder In Texas: Conard County: Killer in the Storm (Conard County: The Next Generation) / Murder in Texas (The Cowboys of Cider Creek) (Mills & Boon Heroes) Rachel Lee
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