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Born Gay? Qazi Rahman

Born Gay? von Qazi Rahman

Born Gay? Qazi Rahman

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Born Gay? Zusammenfassung

Born Gay?: The Psychobiology of Sex Orientation Qazi Rahman

A key study in thepsychobiology of sexual orientation and its true causes.Since the ground-breaking work of Simon LeVay and Dean Hamer in the early 1990s, a tremendous amount of new research has been carried out by scientists who now understand a great deal more about the biology of sexual attraction. In this book the authors show that attempts to find a sociological cause for homosexuality have little foundation and argue that popular efforts to blame parents or teachers for a child's homosexuality are futile and unjust. Combining their own findings with all the available quantifiable research, the authors have, with this study, provided an urgently needed addition to the major work that has been done in this field."

Über Qazi Rahman

Glenn Wilson is a reader in personality at the Institute of Psychiatry at theUniversity of London and adjunct professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada at Reno. He is a pioneer in the field of evolutionary theories of sex differences, attractions, and love and is ranked within the10 most cited British psychologists. He has published more than100 scientific articles and30 books on a range of topics."

Zusätzliche Informationen

Born Gay?: The Psychobiology of Sex Orientation Qazi Rahman
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Peter Owen Publishers
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