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A Language for Psychosis Paul Williams (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

A Language for Psychosis von Paul Williams (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

A Language for Psychosis Paul Williams (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

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The purpose of the Whurr series in Psychoanalysis edited by Peter Fonagy and Mary Target of University College London, is to publish clinical and research based texts of academic excellence in the field. Each title makes a significant contribution and the series is open--ended.

A Language for Psychosis Zusammenfassung

A Language for Psychosis Paul Williams (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

The purpose of the Whurr series in Psychoanalysis edited by Peter Fonagy and Mary Target of University College London, is to publish clinical and research based texts of academic excellence in the field. Each title makes a significant contribution and the series is open-ended. The readership is academic and graduate students in psychoanalysis, together with clinical practitioners, in Europe, North America and indeed worldwide.This book brings together a number of international writers who are concerned with understanding and treating psychoses. The orientation of the book is psychoanalytic, but it is also cognisant of the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to these disorders for which there remains no comprehensive cure. One of the greatest obstacles clinicians and patients face lies less in our ignorance than in failure by mental health services to integrate existing knowledge into workable treatment plans. Too often clinical disciplines (psychiatry, psychoanalysis, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, nursing etc.) work separately rather than together, employing languages that are mutually incomprehensible. As a result, patients are unlikely to have their different needs properly met. At the heart of the multi-disciplinary approach lies the therapeutic relationship between patient and psychoanalyst, psychodynamically-minded psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Detailed clinical cases are presented together with contemporary conceptualisations of psychotic states.


A Rationale for The Psychoanalytically Informed Psychotherapy of schizophrenia and Other Psychoses.

Towards The Concept of rehabilitative psychoanalysis, James S. Grotstein.

New Discoveries Concerning Psychosis and their Organizational Fate, Brian Martindale.

Psychoanalysis and The Treatment of Psychosis, Murray Jackson.

Treating and Studying The Schizophrenias, Thomas Freeman.

The Unconsious and The Psychosis, Franco De Masi.

The living Dead - survivors of Torture and Psychosis, Andrzej Werbart and Marika Lindbom-Jakobson.

The Parachute Project -first Episode Psychosis - Background and Treatment, Johan Cullberg.

On Autism, Schizophrenia and Paranoia in children - The Case of Little Jeremy, Luiz Educardo Prado de Oliveira.

Psychotic Addiction to Video Games, David Rosenfeld.

Psychotic Developments in a Sexually Abused Borderline Patient, Paul Williams.

Zusätzliche Informationen

A Language for Psychosis Paul Williams (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
John Wiley & Sons Inc
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