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Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Paul Wilkins

Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors von Paul Wilkins

Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Paul Wilkins


This guide clarifies why personal and professional development is important for therapists. It describes how therapists can identify and fill gaps in their training, encourages therapists to expand their skills into new areas and assesses the range, value and availability of training courses.

Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Zusammenfassung

Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Paul Wilkins

`A helpful guide for newly qualified counsellors. It gives some comprehensive ideas and tips for further development... a useful book' - Self & Society

Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Bewertungen

`Conveys valuable information... Paul Wilkins writes well... With the current emphasis by accrediting counselling organizations on the importance of ongoing personal and professional development, this book would be a salutary place to start on such a journey... The book explores what is meant by fit to practise and highlights the need to provide a better service to those who seek the skills of a counsellor. With the increasing emphasis on the need for better praxis in the field, it is vital that counsellors practise what they preach. If they fail to pay attention to their own ongoing well-being, they should not be surprised if the therapy they offer to others is seen to be marred by the shadow of hypocrisy' - Counselling, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling

`A helpful guide for newly qualified counsellors. It gives some comprehensive ideas and tips for further development... a useful book' - Self & Society

`Thought-provoking and enhanced by questions scattered throughout the text, this book covers areas of training, accreditation, personal therapy, supervision, contribution to knowledge, creative writing, personal journal work, portfolios, dreamwork, self-resourcing and development on a budget. Well-paced and presented in a clear, practical and authoritative way, this book offers information and guidance... Each chapter is well structured... Highlighted boxes contain valuable information... Quotations add to the richness of the text... this book has helped me to question my developmental needs and I certainly intend following up some of its ideas and suggestions' - Counselling News

Über Paul Wilkins

Paul Wilkins is Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Human Communication, Manchester Metropolitan University. He publications include Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors (London, SAGE Publications), Psychodrama (London, SAGE Publications).


What Is Personal and Professional Development? Further Training Professional Recognition - with Alan Frankland Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Personal Therapy Supervision Contributing to the Furtherance of Knowledge Resourcing Your Self Determining a Personal Programme for Professional and Personal Development

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Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors Paul Wilkins
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SAGE Publications Ltd
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