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Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences Mike Fleetham

Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences von Mike Fleetham

Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences Mike Fleetham

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences Zusammenfassung

Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences Mike Fleetham

Packed with ready-to-use activities to get you started, this fully updated book provides a pocket-sized selection of ideas that will help you to infuse Multiple Intelligences into everyday teaching. The practical teaching strategies covered have been tailored to encourage awareness and use of MI in the classroom at both primary and secondary level.

Über Mike Fleetham

Mike Fleetham is a learning design consultant, trainer, and facilitator, working with teachers and learners worldwide to help make education more effective and enjoyable. He specialises in the practical down-to-earth infusion of thinking skills, multiple intelligences, learning styles and skills-based learning into creative curricula.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences Mike Fleetham
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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