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Education, Policy and Ethics Mike Bottery

Education, Policy and Ethics von Mike Bottery

Education, Policy and Ethics Mike Bottery

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This work describes the increased importance and centralization of government involvement in education. It argues that government's education policies tend to be pulled in contradictory ways - on the one hand, very directive initiatives, on the other hand and openess to market forces.

Education, Policy and Ethics Zusammenfassung

Education, Policy and Ethics Mike Bottery

Across the world, a number of long-term (and inelegantly named) trends - globalization, marketization, managerialism - are now impacting on national education policies. In Education, Policy and Ethics, Mike Bottery shows how, paradoxically, these forces are making education both more centralized and more fragmented. In this magisterial study of educational policy and practice he shows both the dangers this creates and, in response, how to create a more humane and democratic education system. Mike Bottery is Senior Lecturer at the School of Education, University of Hull.


The changing global and policy context; the strategic response; the public/private debate; management strategies; return of community values; impact of equality and citizenship; McDonaldization; role of the professional; new ethics of leadership; ethics of inclusion.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Education, Policy and Ethics Mike Bottery
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
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