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Russian Roulette Michael Isikoff

Russian Roulette von Michael Isikoff

Russian Roulette Michael Isikoff

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The incredible, harrowing account of how the Democrats were hacked by Moscow as part of a covert operation to influence the US election and help Donald Trump gain the presidency.

Russian Roulette Zusammenfassung

Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump Michael Isikoff

The Russian Connection is a story of political skullduggery unprecedented in American history. It weaves together tales of international intrigue, cyber espionage, and superpower rivalry. After US-Russia relations soured, as Vladimir Putin moved to reassert Russian strength on the global stage, Moscow trained its best hackers on US political targets and exploited Julian Assange and Wikileaks to disseminate information that could affect the 2016 election.

The Russians were wildly successful and the great break-in of 2016 was no third rate burglary. It was far more sophisticated and sinister -- a brazen act of political espionage designed to interfere with American democracy, and at the end of the day, Trump, the candidate with business ties to Russia, won. And millions of Americans were left wondering, what the hell happened?

This story of high-tech spying and multiple political feuds will be told against the backdrop of Donald Trump and his strange relationship with Putin, and his inner circle of advisers with profitable ties to Russia, most notably Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort.

The Russian Connection will chronicle and examine all these bizarre events and relationships, explain the stakes, and seek to answer one of the biggest questions in American politics: How and why did a foreign government infiltrate the country's political process and implant its tentacles in Washington?

Über Michael Isikoff

Michael Isikoff (Author)
Michael Isikoff is an American investigative journalist, formerly with Newsweek. He joined Newsweek as an investigative correspondent in June 1994, and has written extensively on the U.S. government's War on Terrorism, the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, campaign finance and congressional ethics abuses, presidential politics and other national issues.

David Corn (Author)
David Corn is an American political journalist and author and the chief of the Washington bureau for Mother Jones. He has been Washington editor for The Nation and appeared regularly on FOX News, MSNBC, and NPR. He is the co-author of Hubris with Michael Isikoff.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump Michael Isikoff
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Little, Brown & Company
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