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The Rutland Connection Michael Dane

The Rutland Connection von Michael Dane

The Rutland Connection Michael Dane

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Lincoln 1997. Veteran customs investigator Frank McBride has been targeting gangs of drugs smugglers for decades. Taking out John Pyke's team of Lincoln-based criminals is just another operation until suddenly things become interesting.

The Rutland Connection Zusammenfassung

The Rutland Connection Michael Dane

Lincoln 1997. Veteran customs investigator Frank McBride has been targeting gangs of drugs smugglers for decades. Taking out John Pyke's team of Lincoln-based criminals is just another operation until suddenly things become interesting.

Why has Pyke's team suddenly become so professional? How has it become so adept at evading surveillance? And who is the mysterious figure who is pulling the strings? McBride relishes having found a worthy opponent. But who is he? And what game is he playing?

Michael Butcher wants to know why his grandfather, a retired brigadier living in a tiny Rutland village, has decided to become an international trafficker in narcotics. Involving him in an elaborate game where the price of losing is life in prison.

McBride and the Brigadier become enmeshed in a private duel, but only one of them knows the rules of the game.

Über Michael Dane

Michael Dane spent over ten years as an officer in the Customs and Excise National Investigation Service investigating drug trafficking, VAT fraud and smuggling of all kinds. He later retrained as a lawyer and joined the private sector where he investigated fraud and corruption all over the world. He is retired and lives in the Vale of Belvoir.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Rutland Connection Michael Dane
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
The Book Guild Ltd
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