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World's Weirdest Sports Matt Roper

World's Weirdest Sports von Matt Roper

World's Weirdest Sports Matt Roper

Zustand - Wie Neu
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Features some of the world's weirdest sports. This book features various sports, from wrestling with a greasy coconut, fishing for squirrels, and playing rugby under water.

World's Weirdest Sports Zusammenfassung

World's Weirdest Sports Matt Roper

Are you sick of the same old games? Are you tired of that silly round ball, that patch of muddy grass or that boring old rule book? Explore the limitless world of sport and put some zing back in your weekend! We've tracked down the world's weirdest sports, from the fascinating to the downright bizarre, from traditional games played for centuries to newfangled creations that are just catching on. Whether it is wrestling with a greasy coconut, fishing for squirrels or playing rugby under water, this book proves that people will do anything in the name of sport.

Über Matt Roper

Matt Roper is a feature writer for The Daily Mirror. He lived in Brazil for six years, where he managed to survive tarantula attacks, falling coconuts and swimming in piranha-infested waters in the Amazon jungle. He also infiltrated a Bolivian drug gang to investigate child prostitution rings, and dodged bullets to report on death squads in Rio de Janeiro. He returned to the UK after setting up a project for street girls in one of Brazil's biggest cities. He now lives in London with his wife Daniela.

Zusätzliche Informationen

World's Weirdest Sports Matt Roper
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Penguin Books Ltd
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