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Essentials Of Functional Foods Mary K. Schmidl

Essentials Of Functional Foods von Mary K. Schmidl

Essentials Of Functional Foods Mary K. Schmidl

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Providing overview, depth, and expertise, Essentials of Functional Foods is the key resource for all involved in the exciting and rapidly growing arena of functional foods.

Essentials Of Functional Foods Zusammenfassung

Essentials Of Functional Foods Mary K. Schmidl

Providing overview, depth, and expertise, Essentials of Functional Foods is the key resource for all involved in the exciting and rapidly growing arena of functional foods. Every important aspect of functional foods and ingredients is covered, from technology, product groups, and nutrition, to safety, efficacy, and regulation. The editors and their expert contributors emphasize broadly based principles that apply to many functional foods. This book is essential reading for food scientists, researchers, and professionals who are developing, researching, or working with functional foods and ingredients in the food, drug, and dietary supplement industry.


Introduction. Relationship of Food, Nutrition, and Health. TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements. Thermal and Non-Thermal Preservation Methods. Flavoring Systems for Functional Foods. Measurements of Nutrients and Chemical Components and Their Bioavailability. PRODUCT GROUPS. Infant Formulas and Medical Foods. Dietary Supplements. Dairy Ingredients As A Source of Functional Foods. Pre. and Probiotics. Fats and Oils and Their Effects on Health and Disease. The Soybean As a Source of Bioactive Molecules. NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS. Dietary Fiber and Its Physiological Effects. Food Fortification with Vitamin and Mineral Nutraceuticals. Antioxidants and Their Effect on Health. SAFETY AND EFFICACY. Assessment of Safety and Efficacy of Functional Foods and Ingredients. REGULATORY ISSUES. U.S. Government Regulation of Food With Claims for Special Physiological Value. Regulatory Issues-Europe and Japan. Index

Zusätzliche Informationen

Essentials Of Functional Foods Mary K. Schmidl
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Aspen Publishers Inc.,U.S.
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