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Journalism in Britain Martin Conboy

Journalism in Britain von Martin Conboy

Journalism in Britain Martin Conboy

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A fresh, cutting-edge account of the mediascape of modern Britain from a key name in journalism studies in the UK.

Journalism in Britain Zusammenfassung

Journalism in Britain: A Historical Introduction Martin Conboy

What might have been a forbidding chronological slog is thoroughly enlivened by Conboy's thematic approach, shot through with passion and rigour in equal measure. This is a book written with a commitment to the importance of history for the present; it will undeniably cultivate the same commitment in its readers.
- Chris Atton, Edinburgh Napier University

An authoritative and accessible introduction to the history of journalism. Excellent resource for undergraduates.
- Philip Dixon
, Southampton Solent University

A firm grasp of journalism's development and contribution to social and political debates is a cornerstone of any media studies education. This book teaches students that essential historical literacy, providing a full overview of how changes in the ownership, emphasis and technologies of journalism in Britain have been motivated by social, economic and cultural shifts among readerships and markets.

Covering journalism's enduring questions - political coverage, the influence of advertising, the sensationalization of news coverage, the popular market and the economic motives of the owners of newspapers - this book is a comprehensive, articulate and rich account of how the mediascape of modern Britain has been shaped.

Journalism in Britain Bewertungen

To engage contemporary students in history needs a special talent to enthuse and inspire. Conboy succeeds admirably. What might have been a forbidding chronological slog is thoroughly enlivened by Conboy's thematic approach, shot through with passion and rigour in equal measure. This is a book written with a commitment to the importance of history for the present; it will undeniably cultivate the same commitment in its readers. -- Chris Atton
Martin Conboy's original perspective and engaging style are here employed to great effect on a book about British journalism which will be of huge value to students, educators and researchers at every level. Whether the century and a bit covered by this book turns out to be the end of journalism as we have known it, or just the beginning, Conboy's account of its evolution will prepare readers well for an uncertain future in the digital decade to come. -- Brian McNair
Conboy's book is an excellent addition to the growing ranks of Journalism history texts in an area for which he is a worthy champion and which should really now be being taught on all UK Journalism course. -- Journalism Education

Über Martin Conboy

Martin Conboy is a Reader in the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield. He co-edits the book series Journalism Studies: Key Texts for SAGE.


Journalism and the Coming of Mass Markets The Impact of Broadcasting and the Public Sphere Patterns of Ownership and Control Women as Consumers and Producers of Journalism Technology and Journalism Styling the Century: Tabloid Journalism Journalism and Political Coverage Alternative Journalism Magazine Journalism: The Most Influential Genre Hacks or Heroes? Local Journalism Conclusion

Zusätzliche Informationen

Journalism in Britain: A Historical Introduction Martin Conboy
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
SAGE Publications Ltd
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