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Charles I (Penguin Monarchs) Mark Kishlansky

Charles I (Penguin Monarchs) von Mark Kishlansky

Charles I (Penguin Monarchs) Mark Kishlansky

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Charles I (Penguin Monarchs) Zusammenfassung

Charles I (Penguin Monarchs): An Abbreviated Life Mark Kishlansky

The acclaimed Penguin Monarchs series: short, fresh, expert accounts of England's rulers - now in paperback

The tragedy of Charles I dominates one of the most strange and painful periods in British history as the whole island tore itself apart over a deadly, entangled series of religious and political disputes. In Mark Kishlansky's brilliant account it is never in doubt that Charles created his own catastrophe, but he was nonetheless opposed by men with far fewer scruples and less consistency who for often quite contradictory reasons conspired to destroy him. This is a remarkable portrait of one of the most talented, thoughtful, loyal, moral, artistically alert and yet, somehow, disastrous of all this country's rulers.

Über Mark Kishlansky

Mark Kishlansky was the Frank Baird Jr Professor of History at Harvard University and one of the world's leading scholars on Stuart England. He is the author of A Monarchy Transformed, the 17th century volume in the Penguin History of England series.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Charles I (Penguin Monarchs): An Abbreviated Life Mark Kishlansky
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Penguin Books Ltd
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