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Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 Mario Andres Pagella

Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 von Mario Andres Pagella

Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 Mario Andres Pagella

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Walk through the process of designing and implementing from scratch an isometric real time game such as some of the most succesful Facebook Games. Applying HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, this piece shows how to build games using isometric map making, sprite animations, networking, social network integration, high performance rendering and game design

Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 Zusammenfassung

Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 Mario Andres Pagella

Walk through the process of designing and implementing from scratch an isometric real time game such as some of the most succesful Facebook Games. Applying HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, this piece shows how to build games using isometric map making, sprite animations, networking, social network integration, high performance rendering and game design.

Über Mario Andres Pagella

Andres Pagella is an accomplished software developer with more than 10 years of professional experience living in Capital Federal, Argentina. He has worked on the design and the implementation of several high traffic websites in Argentina. He currently works as the Chief Technical Officer of Minor Studios Argentina S.R.L. developing a social game design tool called Atmosphir.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 Mario Andres Pagella
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
O'Reilly Media
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