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An Introduction to Sensible Drinking Marcantonio Spada

An Introduction to Sensible Drinking von Marcantonio Spada

An Introduction to Sensible Drinking Marcantonio Spada

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A new title from the 'Introduction to Coping with' series

An Introduction to Sensible Drinking Zusammenfassung

An Introduction to Sensible Drinking Marcantonio Spada

Up to a quarter of the UK population is currently believed to misuse alcohol. This self-help book aimed specifically at problem drinking uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help the reader to understand their drinking problems and useful offers to overcome them.

Ideal for anyone who fears that alcohol is starting to get out of control.

Über Marcantonio Spada

Marcantonio Spada is Professor of Psychology and Head of the Division of Psychology at London South Bank University. An expert in cognitive behavioural therapy for alcohol misuse, he has worked as a clinician for the last twenty years and is the author of over 100 scientific articles, two books and several book chapters in the field of addictive behaviours. Marcantonio is a chartered psychologist, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and an accredited cognitive behavioural therapy practitioner with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies.

Zusätzliche Informationen

An Introduction to Sensible Drinking Marcantonio Spada
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown Book Group
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