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Nightmare Lynn Brock

Nightmare von Lynn Brock

Nightmare Lynn Brock

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Driven to madness by the cruelty of a small group of people, a young novelist sets about taking murderous revenge.

Nightmare Zusammenfassung

Nightmare (Detective Club Crime Classics) Lynn Brock

Driven to madness by the cruelty of a small group of people, a young novelist sets about taking murderous revenge.

Simon Whalley is an unsuccessful novelist who is gradually going to pieces under the strain of successive setbacks. Brooding over his troubles, and driven to despair by the cruelty of his neighbours, he decides to take his revenge in the only way he knows how - by planning to murder them . . .

Lynn Brock made his name in the 1920s and 30s with the popular 'Colonel Gore' mysteries, winning praise from fans and critics including Dorothy L. Sayers and T. S. Eliot. In 1932, however, Brock abandoned the formulaic Gore for a new kind of narrative, a 'psychological thriller' in the vein of Francis Iles' recent sensation, Malice Aforethought. Advertised by Collins as 'one of the most remarkable books that we have ever published', the unconventional and doom-laden Nightmare provided readers with a disturbing portrayal of what it might take to turn an outwardly normal man into a cold-blooded murderer.

This Detective Story Club Classic is introduced by Rob Reef, author of the 'John Stableford' Golden Age mysteries, who finds philosophy at the heart of Brock's landmark crime novel.

Nightmare Bewertungen

'Ambitious and genuinely distinctive ... I'd be surprised if any of Brock's other books are as good as this neglected gem.' Martin Edwards

'. . . Here is a thriller that ought to have been written by Poe. Every now and again Mr. Brock lives in the nightmare he has created by the trigonometry of detective fiction, and gives you a vivid glimpse of it that startles you into a gasp not only of horror but also of fervent admiration. Full justice to his subtle insight into character and contrasts of character could be done only by revealing the secrets of his plot, which is not permissible . . . There is genius in Mr. Brock's power of charging a moment with noises, colour and feeling until it seems more real than life.' Times Literary Supplement

Über Lynn Brock

Lynn Brock was one of the most popular and prolific detective novelists of the 1920s and 30s, famous for creating the detective character Colonel Gore.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Nightmare (Detective Club Crime Classics) Lynn Brock
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
HarperCollins Publishers
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