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This Love Lotte Jeffs

This Love von Lotte Jeffs

This Love Lotte Jeffs

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A joyfully sweeping novel about fate, family and love outside the lines

This Love Zusammenfassung

This Love: Utterly compelling, emotional, feel-good fiction about queer love and chosen family Lotte Jeffs

Mae and Ari are not your average power couple.

Their love story started when they met at Leeds University. Back when Mae, whilst never short of a date and confident about who she is at her core, needed Ari's bright light to help her grow into herself.

Ari, having run from New York following an undisclosed scandal and battling his own demons, held onto Mae as his grounding anchor.

Though they quickly become inseparable, their inimitable bond must survive guilt, secrets, growing up and, ultimately, love in all its complex and fluid forms.

Spanning ten years of an extraordinary friendship, This Love is an epic tale of finding your soulmate and creating a family out of expansive, boundary-breaking love.

Über Lotte Jeffs

Lotte Jeffs has spent her career writing columns, profiles and think pieces for the British press. She has worked as an editor for ELLE and ES Magazine, and is the author of How to be a Gentlewoman: The Art of Soft Power in Hard Times, coauthor of The Queer Parent and the children's picture book My Magic Family. She co-hosts the podcast From Gay To Ze about LGBTQ parenting and pop culture. Lotte has won the PPA Writer of The Year Award and The Great British Podcast Award.

Zusätzliche Informationen

This Love: Utterly compelling, emotional, feel-good fiction about queer love and chosen family Lotte Jeffs
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