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How to Develop Your Healthcare Career Lisa E. Taylor

How to Develop Your Healthcare Career von Lisa E. Taylor

How to Develop Your Healthcare Career Lisa E. Taylor

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* An informative guide to all key aspects of employability for graduating students, educators, managers, and qualified healthcare professionals. * Written specifically for health professionals, focusing on their needs and the challenges they face, maximising employability potential, and managing career progression.

How to Develop Your Healthcare Career Zusammenfassung

How to Develop Your Healthcare Career: A Guide to Employability and Professional Development Lisa E. Taylor

* An informative guide to all key aspects of employability for graduating students, educators, managers, and qualified healthcare professionals. * Written specifically for health professionals, focusing on their needs and the challenges they face, maximising employability potential, and managing career progression. * Packed full of potential interview questions, reflection opportunities, and case studies throughout * Includes chapter on Professionalism, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and Leadership

Über Lisa E. Taylor

Lisa E. Taylor, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy and Employability Lead for the School of Rehabilitation Sciences (RSC), University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK


Contributors, ix Foreword, x Preface, xii Chapter 1 Lisa Taylor What is employability and what does it mean for you?, 1 Introduction, 1 What does the literature say on employability and how it has evolved?, 2 Towards a common language of employability, 2 Models of employability, 3 Personal responsibility for employability, 6 External influences on employability, 6 Response to changing expectations within the workplace and personal circumstances, 7 How is employability approached within education?, 9 Maximising your own employability potential, 11 What do employers want from graduates?, 12 Healthcare employability, 14 Evidencing your employability, 16 Conclusions, 17 References, 19 Chapter 2 Adrienne Jolly Career planning and management, 21 Introduction Aims of this chapter, 21 What do we mean by Career ?, 22 Factors that influence our career, 27 Making good career decisions, 31 Possible causes of career change, 34 In summary: What do we know? How can this help in considering future chapters?, 35 References, 36 Chapter 3 Rosemarie Mason Professionalism, 37 What is a profession?, 37 Why is professional identity important?, 44 Learning professionalism, 46 Summary, 49 References, 50 Chapter 4 James Gazzard Continuing professional development (CPD), 54 Introduction, 54 Objectives, 55 The terminology of CPD, 56 A definition of CPD, 56 Motivations to engage with CPD, 58 The precursors of effective CPD, 59 Types of CPD: What counts as CPD?, 60 Ensuring that different types of CPD are recorded, 63 Levels of CPD, credit ]bearing or non ]credit ]bearing CPD, 64 Where to access CPD, 66 How to access CPD: Overcoming barriers, 67 Evaluating the effectiveness of CPD, 68 An outline practical approach to planning and undertaking a balanced CPD portfolio, 70 Conclusions, 71 References, 72 Further reading, 72 Chapter 5 Neil Sellen Leadership, 73 Introduction, 73 What is leadership?, 73 Why is leadership important in health care?, 74 Leadership as a professional responsibility, 75 Why choose to be a leader?, 75 Leadership and management, 77 Leadership and culture, 78 What is your approach to leading?, 78 What do employers want in early and developing leaders?, 79 What are the component behaviours and personal qualities that influence leadership effectiveness?, 80 What sort of leader are you?, 81 Typical leadership development activities, 82 Employers expectations of early career healthcare professionals, 82 When will you feel like a leader?, 83 Tips and trips, 84 References, 85 Further reading, 85 Chapter 6 Jonathan Larner Service improvement, 87 Background and context, 87 Where has service improvement come from?, 89 How does service improvement feature in healthcare education?, 92 Service improvement as an employability skill , 93 What level of service improvement experience will be expected?, 94 What specific skills can I demonstrate through service improvement experience?, 96 Service improvement and leadership skills, 99 Conclusions, 100 Case studies, 100 References, 107 Chapter 7 David Dowdeswell Allaway Business skills, 109 Things, 110 People, 115 Time, 122 Money, 125 Summary, 128 References, 129 Chapter 8 Stephanie Allen The job application process, 130 Getting behind the recruitment process, 130 Introducing the CV, 131 Other application processes, 136 The personal statement, 136 Preparing for the interview, 137 The interview itself, 138 What next?, 141 Reference, 142 Further reading, 142 Chapter 9 Consolidation of learning and moving forward, 143 Chapter 1 What is employability and what does it mean for you?, 144 Chapter 2 Career planning and management, 144 Chapter 3 Professionalism, 146 Chapter 4 Continuing professional development, 147 Chapter 5 Leadership, 149 Chapter 6 Service improvement, 149 Chapter 7 Business skills, 150 Chapter 8 The job application process, 151 Consolidation of learning and moving forward conclusions, 152 Reference, 152 Index, 153

Zusätzliche Informationen

How to Develop Your Healthcare Career: A Guide to Employability and Professional Development Lisa E. Taylor
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
John Wiley & Sons Inc
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