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Ask For It Linda Babcock

Ask For It von Linda Babcock

Ask For It Linda Babcock

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How women can use the power of negotiation to get what they really want

Ask For It Zusammenfassung

Ask For It: How women can use the power of negotiation to get what they really want Linda Babcock

To research this groundbreaking book, Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever spent several years talking to thousands of women about the high cost of failing to ask for what they want. Through that research, one thing became abundantly clear: feelings of self doubt - that voice inside your head that says 'Don't get pushy. Do you really deserve more?' - consistently prevent women from getting the things they desire most, whether it's a pay rise, a nicer office, or even just some help around the house.
In Ask for It, Babcock and Laschever have developed a unique, cooperative approach to negotiating that begins before you ever get to a bargaining table, one that will help women realise their self-worth and identify their goals as well as maximise their bargaining power. It will help propel you to new places both professionally and personally - and open doors you thought were closed. Essential reading for women everywhere, Ask For It will help you recognise how much more you deserve - and show you how to get it.

Über Linda Babcock

Linda Babcock is James P Walton Professor of Economics at the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sara Laschever has written for THE NEW YORK TIMES, the HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, and GLAMOUR.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Ask For It: How women can use the power of negotiation to get what they really want Linda Babcock
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Little, Brown Book Group
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