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The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp Leonie Swann

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp von Leonie Swann

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp Leonie Swann

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One murder to solve and another to cover up. It'll be tricky, but the OAP residents of Sunset Hall are going to have a stab at it.

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp Zusammenfassung

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp: The unmissable cosy crime sensation for fans of Richard Osman Leonie Swann

It's an eventful day at Sunset Hall, a house-share for the old and unruly, when the police arrive with news that a body has been discovered next door. Everyone, including Agnes Sharp, is secretly relieved that the body in question is not the one they're currently hiding in the shed. Perhaps the answer to their problem has fallen into their laps. If they find out who murdered their neighbour, they can pin Lillith's death on them, thus killing two old birds with one stone.

Über Leonie Swann

Leonie Swann's debut novel, Three Bags Full, was an instant hit, topping the bestseller charts in her native Germany for months. It has since been translated into 26 languages. She lives in Cambridgeshire.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp: The unmissable cosy crime sensation for fans of Richard Osman Leonie Swann
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Allison & Busby
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