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Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch Katy Birchall

Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch von Katy Birchall

Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch Katy Birchall

4,69 €
Zustand - Wie Neu
<40 auf Lager


Morgan Charmley is a teenage witch finally allowed to attend a normal school. But will she be able to make friends and fit in with non-magical teenagers? Can she resist using her powers to make herself popular or turn her teachers into toads? Can she keep her spells a secret?

Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch Zusammenfassung

Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch Katy Birchall

Laugh-out-loud, fresh teen comedy with an on-trend witchy spin - Sabrina the Teenage Witch for a new generation! Morgan Charmley has spent her entire thirteen years on the planet attempting to prove she has control over her witch powers so that she's allowed to attend a normal school. And the day has finally arrived! But will she be able to make friends and fit in with non-magical teenagers? Can she resist using her powers to make herself popular or turn her teachers into toads? Can she keep her spells a secret? Perfect for fans of Louise Rennison, Zoella and HollyBourne

Zusätzliche Informationen

Morgan Charmley: Teen Witch Katy Birchall
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
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