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Whoosh! Katie Brooke

Whoosh! von Katie Brooke

Whoosh! Katie Brooke

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This adorable keepsake combines humorous illustrations with bite-sized tips and practical information to help birthing companions take a hands-on role in achieving a positive birth.

A loving gift for any birth partner.

Whoosh! Zusammenfassung

Whoosh!: A little book for birth companions Katie Brooke

This adorable keepsake combines imaginative illustrations with bite-sized tips and practical information to help birthing companions take a hands-on role on the birthing day. A loving gift for any birth partner.

Originally designed for the author's husband, Whoosh! is an intimately written guide, balancing scientifically accurate medical facts with humorous truisms, illustrated throughout with quirky line drawings and loving explanations.

Whoosh! is a beautifully constructed pocket sized guide, intimately thought through, personal, easy to digest and lovely to read.

Über Katie Brooke

Katie is an illustrator and author based in the Lake District. She is mother of two small girls and one borrowed teen. Katie became fascinated about birth and collected data on natural birthing throughout both pregnancies, illustrating her 'library of incredible facts' to help mothers to be and their companions to birth lovingly and avoid intervention.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Whoosh!: A little book for birth companions Katie Brooke
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Gebundene Ausgabe
Pinter & Martin Ltd.
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