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The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists Karl Shaw

The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists von Karl Shaw

The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists Karl Shaw

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A truly mammoth collection of weird and gross trivia about sex, death and everything in between

The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists Zusammenfassung

The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists Karl Shaw

Prepare to be even more revolted, flabbergasted, appalled and entertained by this incredible follow-up collection of bizarre but absolutely true trivia. Nothing is too distasteful for this astonishing compendium, including scores of eclectic lists to amuse, astonish and appal your friends.

Entries include:
10 Road-kill Recipes
History's 10 Most Murderous Regimes
10 Historic Sex Toys
10 People who Married Their Nieces
10 Deaths by Sex
10 People Killed by Falling Animals
10 Ancient Remedies Containing Body Parts
10 Flatalogical Facts
8 Most Violent National Anthems
15 Premature Obituaries
10 Unusual Royal Deaths
10 Cruel and Unusual Punishments
10 Notable Executions
12 Elizabethan Insults

Über Karl Shaw

Karl Shaw has worked as a journalist, in advertising and in marketing. His books include New York Times bestsellers Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty and 5 People Who Died During Sex: and 100 Other Terribly Tasteless Lists.

Zusätzliche Informationen

The Mammoth Book of Tasteless and Outrageous Lists Karl Shaw
Gebraucht - Wie Neu
Little, Brown Book Group
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